IPR if I got a helper :D
JR/OPR preference
OPR/JR preferred
nso, pref pbt
First whistle 19:20
14:30 offskates warm up and teams dividing into lines
15:00 gear on
15:15 on skates warm up
15:35 1st period
~16:15 halftime
~16:30 2nd period
~ 17:10 clean up
Firsttimer so maybe OPR
Newbie so maybe OPR
Newbie so maybe OPR or JR
Nso second period
Dear non-krr-members,
we kindly as you to arrive tomorrow only at or after 19:00 o’clock as KRR is having two different meetings in Viikki before the scrimmage.
- tirppis
NSO / JT if possible :)
OPR if possible 💕
We are trying out a new concept for our league scrimmages. Some scrimmages will be named NOW (New Officials Welcome) scrimmages in hopes of getting more officials and to get more people to try out officiating.
"Aren't new officials welcome to any scrimmage?"
Yes, absolutely! Anyone can come to officiate (NSO or ref) any scrimmage with any (or no) amount of experience :) But we realize that it might be quite intimidating to come try officiating for the first time and we want to lower that threshold.
"So what will be different in these scrimmages?"
- They will be advertised in MyClub and (the cross-league officiating) Nimenhuuto ( https://rollerderbyofficials.nimenhuuto.com/ ) as NOW scrimmages in hopes many newer folk will show up and make the atmosphere more open towards being less experienced
- We will (try very very hard to) have mentors present specifically for these scrimmages, at least 1 referee and 1 NSO who can show the ropes and help out as needed
"Sounds great! When can I join?"
The first one of these will be this All League Christmas scrimmage on 15.12.! See you there :)
13:00 official mentors present
13:30 official meetup
14:05 First whistle
14:45 Halftime
15:00 Second period
15.45 End of scrimmage
JR :-)
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